SASSA SRD Grant Application 2024/2025 Portal Update

Filed in South Africa by on May 18, 2024 0 Comments

Are you interested in applying for the SASSA SRD Grant in 2024? This information is for you. Within it, we’ve compiled all the details to guide you through the SASSA SRD Grant 2024/2025 application process, including, eligibility criteria/requirements, important documents needed for a successful application, and how to apply. Make sure you read the instructions carefully before applying.

About SASSA SRD Grant

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD Grant) is administered in terms of app-section 32 of the Social Assistance Act, 2004 (Act No. 13 of 2004) and is implemented with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance.

The Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD Grant) is meant for South African Citizens, Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Special Permit Holders who are between the ages of 18 and 60 years, who have insufficient means, who do not receive social grants on behalf of herself/ himself or who are not contributing to or eligible for UIF payment, and have no financial support from any other source.

SASSA SRD Grant Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD Grant), candidates must meet these criteria:

  • You can apply for the SASSA SRD grant only if you are a resident of South Africa, a refugee and asylum seeker, or someone with a special permit holder in South Africa.
  • Your age should be between 18 to 60 years.
  • You should be a resident of South Africa.
  • You should be unemployed.
  • You should not be receiving any financial support from any official programs of the government.
  • Your financial means should be insufficient to meet the basic requirements of your living.
  • You should not be among those who are receiving the stipends from NSFAS.
  • You can only apply for the SASSA SRD grant if you are not eligible for UIF payment.
  • You also have to make sure that you meet the requirements of the means test.

SASSA SRD Grant Requirements

SASSA SRD also demands certain requirements and documents to be attached to your application. You have to make sure that you have all of them with you so that your grant is accepted within no time.

  • You should have a 13-digit barcoded South African ID number with you.
  • You have to provide the officials with proof of the application and proof that you have encountered an emergency.
  • Proof that you have no support and no financial assistance from any other resource.
  • You also have to provide them with information about your marriage or divorce, if any is the case with you.
  • You also have to provide them with proof that you have a disability and you’re unfit for a short time.

On the other hand, if you do not have your ID card with you, you have certain other requirements that you should fulfill before applying.

  • Provide an affidavit, sworn statement, and proof that you have applied for your identity card or birth certificate.
  • You have to submit the temporary identity documents.
  • You have to submit your health clinic card, if you have any, and the school certificate, in case you have ever gone to school.

How to Apply for an SRD Grant?

To apply for the Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD Grant), follow these steps carefully:

1. Register on the Website

  1. Open the SASSA Services Portal
  2. Click on Apply Online
  3. Agree with South Africa’s Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) & Cookie Consent
  4. Fill The Information
  5. You will need to fill in the following information
    • Your citizenship (South African citizen/ permanent resident/ refugee)
    • Your ID number
    • Your ID document type (ID document/ temporary ID)
    • Confirm your ID number
    • Your title (Mr/ Mrs/ Miss)
    • Your surname
    • Your full name
    • Your email address
    • Your chosen password (must be at least eight characters, containing at least 1 of the following: uppercase or lowercase letters, numbers, symbols or special characters) (must not be a common word or name, or a close variation)
    • Confirm your chosen password.
    • Your cellphone number (your 10-digit South African cellphone number, starting with 0)

6. Click on Register Me

2. Login After Registration

Once you have successfully registered, the next step is to log in to the site for the application process.

  1. For this, open the services page again.
  2. This time, click on the login page instead of the registration page.
  3. Enter the ID Number, Email, and Password you choose above.
  4. Click on Login

3. Selection of Suitable Type of Grant

After logging, it is time to apply for the SRD grant. You will have to choose from the following grant type: SRD. SRD Grant for r350

Select the one that suits you and click on Apply. (Make sure you have read its requirements above and that you are eligible for it).

Check the SASSA Application Status

Once you have applied for the grant, you can check your SASSA status to see if it’s approved or not. It will first go into a pending status and then be approved. Once approved, check the payment day, and you will receive your payment on your banking details. It might be declined if there is something wrong. If your application is declined, you can appeal for reconsideration or contact SASSA for further help.

How Do I Change My Banking Details?

If you are an approved beneficiary of the SASSA SRD R370 Grant and you wish to change your banking details, you can submit your ID Number on the SRD portal here. An SMS containing a secure link, unique to you, will be sent to the mobile phone number with which you registered during the application. Click on the link in the SMS and follow the instructions carefully.

Should you select payment into a bank account, please ensure that you are the owner of the account. SASSA cannot pay your grant into another person’s bank account.

Should you select the money transfer option via one of the major banks, please ensure that the mobile phone number on which you received the SMS is registered in your name. SASSA cannot pay your grant to a mobile phone number that is registered to another person.

Please also note that the new banking details will only be used for future payments, after verification.

Request Names and Surname Update

Applicants whose SRD Grant application were declined based on incorrect names and surname information provided, can request that their information be updated. This can be done on the SRD portal.

Please ensure that you enter your ID Number, names and surname exactly as it appears on your South African ID Card. Your names and surname will only be updated if it matches your details on the Department of Home Affairs database.

SASSA SRD Grant Update 2024

Stay updated with all the latest news on the SRD Grant 2024/2025 right here. Make sure to check back regularly to keep informed throughout the application process.

We recommend that you bookmark or save this page and refresh it often. This way, you won’t miss any updates or changes made by the authorities. Rest assured, we’ll promptly deliver the most recent information as soon as it’s released.

Should you have any queries or require additional information about the SRD Grant Application 2024, please drop us a line in the comment section below. Our team is dedicated to assisting you and will promptly address any concerns you may have.

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